Tuesday, June 24, 2008

San Antonio Trip

We made it back from San Antonio. Somehow the camera didn't make it out of the bag so I don't have any picture. I guess it was a trip we don't want to remember. We drove down Thursday and stayed at a nice hotel just off the riverwalk.

Friday, after Dennis' meetings we went to lunch at one of the riverwalk restaurants. After a two hour wait in 100 degree tempatures we got our food. We went straigt to Six Flags Fiesta Texas after lunch and as we were looking for a parking spot Dennis and I got very sick, so back to the hotel.

We decided to try Six Flags again then next day....as we were looking for a parking place a storm started to develope. There was some lightening so they made everyone get off the rides in the water park. We really wanted to go to the water park but since we didn't have a lot of time we thought we would catch a couple rides and call it good. The storm seemed to be quite small. To the south and west the sky was beautiful blue. So..as we went throught the entrance gate it started to rain and didn't stop. Once inside we discovered that all the rides were closed except two, Scooby Doo and little bumper cars. We decided to try Scooby Doo and after a 45 minute wait they said the ride wasn't working. That was enough and we headed back to the car in the pouring rain. We were hoping the traffic would clear while we walked around the park in the rain. Not a chance. We got back to the car and put on our dry swim suits. We were blocked by parked cars and couldn't move for over an hour...and remember this is an amusement park crowd...lots of honking, etc. Finally the driver of the car blocking us showed up and we were able to move. Of course the exits were jammed, we'd had enough and had to be at a formal dinner in less than an hour, so we drove out the entrance.

After dinner (9:30 p.m) Dennis proposed that we drive home that night. Carly loved the idea of a night road trip and no one else had an opinion, so we packed our rooms in 10 minutes and headed home. (5 hour drive) Three hours into the drive we realized the valet didn't give my keys back. Around 3 a.m we made it home.

What a trip! In spite of it all we laughed a lot.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Birthday Cake for Grammy

Libby wanted to make a birthday cake for Grammy so Darci let her make some chocolate pudding. They sang "Sissy's Classics" (aka songs from The Phantom of the Opra) while stirring. Libby said to put Grammy's "cake" in the fridge and Grammy would be here soon to eat it.

More Progress

The rest of the counter tops are done! We installed the backsplash tile this weekend. The bottom picture before we moved in. I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Counter Tops

We picked up our counter tops on Friday!!! Unfortunatly the piece for the sink and the bar were made too short. We installed the island and the small counter area and we love it.